(주)인투인미디어문의 및 요청 : mail@intoinmedia.com
전화: 02-6959-3370 (공모전 등록 및 수정)02-2233-4018 (배너광고 문의) 02-2233-4019 (공모전 대행 문의)
사업자등록번호 : 201-86-21825직업정보제공사업신고번호 : J1204220140006
대표이사 : 문기숙 주소 : 서울시 영등포구 양평로 21길 26 1203호
주최 | 한중일3국협력사무국(TCS), 일본 리츠메이칸 대학교 |
주관 | 한중일3국협력사무국(TCS) |
접수기간 | 2024-12-03 ~ 2024-12-21 |
응모분야 | 대외활동 |
홈페이지 | 공모전 홈페이지 바로가기 |
- Launched by the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) in 2013,
the Young Ambassador Program (YAP) has become a key platform
for youth exchange among China, Japan, Korea, with nine sessions to date.
The program fosters dialogue mutual understing,
supporting future-focused cooperation the vision of an East Asia Community.
Highlighted at the 9th Trilateral Summit in May 2024,
YAP was recognized by leaders from the three countries as a successful youth initiative.
We seek youth who are passionate about addressing common challenges,
promoting friendship, actively learning sharing the rich cultural content of
the three countries as Young Ambassadors.
Participants will be tasked to create a group
presentation on a CJK related topic by the end of the YAP.
Various programs are designed to prepare the participants to construct
their final outcome such as lectures related to fields of Trilateral Cooperation,
diplomacy cultural exchange,
site visits related to cultural content, career talks, youth talks,
in-depth discussions among the participants.
- Recruitment Period: December 3- December 21, 2024
- Event Date: February 14 - 22, 2025 (9 days)
Age: Under 35
Status: Currently enrolled undergraduate or graduate students from China, Japan, or Korea
Residence: Must reside in China, Japan, or Korea
Participation: Must attend the full 9-day program without exceptions
Language: Fluent in English; proficiency in additional CJK languages is a plus
Interests: Strong passion for Trilateral Cooperation, diplomacy, cultural exchange, Northeast Asia
- 30 students (10 from each of China, Japan, Korea)
Pre-event Training & Orientation
Opening Ceremony & Dialogue with Prominent figures
Thematic Lectures on diverse topics on Diplomacy, Culture, Trilateral Cooperation more
Career Talks with young professionals
Youth Talk
Experiencing Cultural Contents
Group Project & Final Presentation
- Apply via the Trilateral Youth Exchange Network (TYEN) platform0
(https://tyen.tcs-asia.org/program/progress)by December 21, 2024.
Shortlisted cidates will be contacted for interviews by late December 2024.
You must first register to Trilateral Youth Exchange Network (TYEN)
then proceed with the program application.
For inquiries, contact us at yap@tcs-asia.org
- Obtain first-h insights on the dynamics of East Asia from imminent professors,
senior diplomats, experienced practitioners, young professionals
- Experience multilateral multicultural environments
- Networking with future leaders of China, Japan Korea
- Cultural experience at Kyoto, Japan
- Certificate of participation, awards